Gosport Hampshire UK

Gosport Information

Gosport.info is a website giving information and photos of Gosport, Hampshire, England, UK both past and present. If there is information or photographs, that you would like to see, please let me know and I will add them. It can take a while for me to add all the items that need putting on

Anns Hill Cemetery War Graves

I have updated Den Budden’s email address on the War Graves pages as follows.

If you wish contact Den he is still researching drpbudden@gmail.com

If you have send an email to the old address,  please could you send it again as Den Budden no longer has access to that mail box. Thank you

Items from the Original www.gosport.info Web Site

You may not find what you are looking for, it may be waiting to be moved to this site. please let me know so it can be arranged to add that item to this web site ASAP. Nothing has been lost, it is just no longer on the Internet as I did not wish to pay for another two years of the old site, now held offline. I also find the site in an even older form (when the pages were still looking reasonable) is available on the Internet Archive.


Gosport Hampshire England or Gosport.info is a website that has been around in various forms since April 2001. This site gives information a photos about gosport. It is now going through another major update. The site was set-up 3rd April 2001 using the domain Gosport Life with just 50 pages grew to around 1.400 pages and this new version is being added to with both new information and information from the old site there is still a long way to go, but plan to have the move completed and the old site closed by the end of this year.

How is the new Gosport.info site coming on?

I am no longer adding individual events in Gosport to a calendar or list. I will keep a list of links to websites for organizations that run events on an On-Going or Regular basis such as museums. I also intend to add links to websites that have an events calendar or similar for their events. I may in future merge the two pages .

I have added back Memories of the 1940s and The Aircraft Crash 1952-53 and well as updating the Whats On Calendar List.

The site will become more of an archive of photos, memories and Gosport history. I believe I should also keep the list of clubs, societies, organizations and local charities as they tend to change less and can be more difficult to find and a number of them do not have a web presence.

Business Classification List – This is the next list I wish to have a look at, though I will not be able to check as I did in 2004, sending out 1,100 letters to Gosport Businesses and Organizations, so will use the old list, so again if you have information to add or change please let me know.

The overall plan is to make the site continue in to the future with the resources (mainly people) available.

Thank you for your interest in the past and I hope this change will enhance your interest. If you have any suggestions on how the pages and sections, in particular how the History and request sections of the site are set-up, they will be very welcome. Please let me know on ian@gosport.info .

Meeting Rooms Available in GosportIan Jeffery

Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for 2021 Ritz Cinema Walpole Road Gosport, Hants Winter 1991/92

Gosport Borough Council

Tourist Information Centre

Local News and Information

Gosport Weather         Weather in Gosport

Gosport Globe              Radio Haslar

Gosport Maps               News and Comment

Friends of Gosport Museum

Gosport Local History Luncheon Club

Contact Gosport.info

GDPR 25h May 2018

Last Updated 4th May 2023

First Published as Gosportlife.co.uk 3rd April 2001